The Board & Search Committee will keep the community updated as the search progresses. Please return to this page to reference all community updates.

November 15, 2025: The interviewing process has begun. Interviews with Board members are underway, with staff interviews being scheduled for later in November.

October 15, 2024: The search committee has re-opened the search for the OHMCS Executive Director.

September 25, 2024:  The candidate interviews for Wednesday, September 25 have been postponed. Please watch for additional information coming soon. The interviews (staff and town hall) scheduled for Thursday, September 26th will run as planned.

September 23, 2024:  Candidates will be at Oak Hill this week for staff interviews and Town Hall meetings. Please plan to attend the two Town Hall Meetings, Wednesday (9/25) and Thursday (9/26) from 5:00-5:30pm in the Junior High classroom.

September 12, 2024:  The next round of interviews will be held the week of September 16th with the OHMCS Board of Directors.

August 21, 2024: First round of interviews are underway!

August 5, 2024: Pre-screen interviews occurring this week.

July 26, 2024: Email to the OHMCS community from the Executive Director search committee chair.

July 22, 2024: The OHMCS Board approved the hiring of Erin Doan, former OHMCS Executive Director, to serve as part-time Interim Co-Executive Director in partnership with current Interim Executive Director, Dave Conrad.


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