Lower Elementary (First – Third Grade)
Upper Elementary (Fourth – Sixth Grade)
Full Day program: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Level Overview
Children in the elementary years have an intellectual power unsurpassed at any other age as they become more aware of their potential. They bring to their work two important tools: a powerful reasoning mind and a robust imagination. Students are deeply immersed into the process of researching, classifying and ordering; examining everything from history and botany to language and mathematics.
Purpose and Goal
Elementary students are natural explorers in the world around them. These intellectual tools combined with a natural urge to collaborate opens a field of exploration so vast that virtually any concept or system can be explored. Using both hands-on materials, and tapping into the brain’s developing abstract thinking, the elementary classrooms are designed to advance both academic reasoning and social knowledge.
Classroom Structure
The elementary years are divided into Lower (first – third) and Upper (fourth – sixth) classrooms. Montessori curriculum integrates subject areas to highlight inter-related areas of study creating awareness and curiosity which makes learning even more exciting and challenging. Teachers utilize stories, presentations and charts to enrich and enhance his/her interest in learning.
The elementary years take the next steps in developing a well-rounded person; the outside world becomes a crucial part of the learning process. “Going Out” activities happen frequently to allow students the opportunity to explore what they are learning hands-on. Whether it is a trip to the museum, shopping for food at an ethnic grocer or attending a performance, being out of the classroom enhances the research happening inside of it. Studies in Spanish continue with designed intensity into the weekly schedule as well. Additional materials are available in each classroom if students choose to advance their grasp of this wonderful language.
From utilizing the art studio to make pieces which support their studies, to performing in a play, or becoming more versed in their musical talents, elementary students at Oak Hill are enriching their entire being with deeper exposure to art, music and theatre.
Targeted Outcomes for students after completing the Elementary programs
Lower Elementary
- Mastery of 2, 3 & 4 digit math problems using all operations
- Writing with proper sentence & paragraph structure while minimizing spelling errors
- Knowledge of Continents & Oceans, as well as the Solar System & Universe
- Experience researching animal/plant kingdoms as well as basic understanding of scientific method
- Exposure to basic mathematical operations of fractions & decimals
- Study of cultures, civilizations and History timelines
- Able to identify and explain parts of speech
Upper Elementary
- Mastery of whole numbers, integers, fractions & decimals using all operations
- Exposure to World, United States & Minnesota history
- Comfort in presenting research findings both verbally and written
- Early exposure to algebraic equations and geometry
- Able to read and evaluate fiction and nonfiction materials
- Well versed in the scientific method as well as the topics of Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry and Physics
- Knowledge of homonyms, synonyms & antonyms through word study